Friday, December 09, 2011
………..felt invisible? It’s something new that’s coming soon. On television they showed how heavy armored equipment could be hid right in plain sight in the desert. It was quite impressive although I don’t remember how they did it. And if it was shown on television, wouldn’t everyone see it and make ways to “see” it??
As a kid, my brother used to write letters with invisible ink. It was secret instructions and not to be read by anyone but another club member who could reveal the contents and answer back. All very hush, hush.
Then there was me in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. I went in for a routine lab work-up and after checking in with the girl at the desk, I turned to find a place to sit. Though the chairs were about half-filled no one looked at me or spoke. It was as if I wasn’t even there.
As I looked around the room, no one met my gaze, they were either staring at the television (which showed different surgical procedures to remove a gall-bladder) or
staring out the windows. I decided to try some conversation and once I made the initial effort the lady across from me answered and we began on the safe subjects about the weather and the season. The weather is always a good way to get people talking…….everyone has an opinion about the weather…..and now is a good time to bring up the holidays. We live in a rural community in South Missouri so we still have the Christian faith and it’s OK to say “Merry Christmas.”
I went out again today and while in the grocery store I gave a hearty Merry Christmas to a lady approaching me from another direction. I had several doors opened for me, by gentlemen and it was nice. Real nice. Just when I think chivalry is dead, someone comes my way with good manners and a smile.
Something’s in the air. Maybe folks really do come to new life at Christmas time and no matter how harassed, out-of-work, or waning faith they may have, it somehow brings out the good in all of us.
If we wear a smile, and say “Merry Christmas” with our hearts, I’m very sure we will be giving the best gift of all………the outward evidence that Christ lives….and He lives in us.
Essentially Esther