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Wednesday, October 05, 2011


…….what a day will bring. This week has been the yearly shots for my six cats. I was able to catch two of them on Monday and put them in their pet taxi. It went pretty good and today was time for two more to go. Trouble being, it was not their time to “want” to go. I caught the first two unawares but today was not so good. The rattle of the cages put them on high alert and while I got one in to go, the other was hiding under the bed.

I’ve been this route before so I attempted to woo her out from under. I spent an hour on the floor trying to talk her out. Finally, I knew it was then or never so I stopped being the “good cop” and got the yard stick to slide around under the bed which terrorized her. It was Punkin’ and she is afraid of everything. She’s been here four years and still is uneasy with every little thing. She would make a good marathon runner.

The yardstick did the trick and she shot up on the shelf under the window Rocky made and let me pick her up. Things weren’t too bad so I put Mandy in to go for a ride. After the Vet did the yearly shots etc; I asked if he would look at Mandy. She had needed to go out oftener and would spend her time dribbling all over the place. Not good.

After a check-up and X-ray he showed me three large bladder stones and said the only way to fix it was surgery……otherwise they are in and out of the Clinic all the time and eventually would need surgery anyway. I’m a quick fix kind of gal so she had surgery this afternoon. I’ve had the call that she came out OK and I can pick her up tomorrow.

The story on both cats was not so good either. They both have heart murmurs which may or may not worsen……a throw of dice on that. For the time being, it’s a “wait and see” situation.

I know this is not interesting unless you love pets, have pets or adopt some out until they find a home. Love is a funny thing but for many of us it can come on four feet, a fur coat and an evolving personality. They bring blood pressure down and leave a lasting legacy of happy faces and wagging tails.

That’s not a bad legacy to leave…………..

Essentially Esther