Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Richard took our picture on yesterday’s blog so today I’m putting him and Marie (sister) on the post. Don’t want to leave anyone out!!!
Our weather is the same…..three digits and still climbing. The AC runs constantly and is keeping us nice and cool. I see no reason to go out and suffer so I’m doing indoor things like I do in the winter when it’s too cold to go out.
That means about sundown I will water the flowers and some of the more fragile bushes. The heat is beginning to take it’s toll on the crape myrtles. They are one of my favorites because of their beautiful colors and long blooming time.
The outdoor cats are keeping under bushes or anything that looks shady and comfortable. I don’t put them in the garage at night because it stays hot in there from mid morning on through the day. Napoleon sleeps near them after he’s dug out the shape of his body and snuggles into it. He isn’t eating as much and neither are the cats. Napoleon is losing his feathers now so mating season is over and he’ll have to grow another tail. He looks funny when all his pretty feathers are gone.
Today is Jennifer’s birthday….her mother being Becky. She lives half way across the country from us so we don’t get to see her very often. I’m hoping it’s a great day with lots of unexpected surprises and all of them, good ones.
I’m off to mail some cards so until the next time……..
Essentially Esther