Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Yesterday I wrote a blog. When finished tweaking and ready to post, here came a disaster with the question, “Do you want to save the changes?” Like a big dummy I clicked on “no.” Zippo Zappo……..there went the blog. I would have written another but the dinner bell was ringing so it was tabled for the time being. I don’t know how you, the readers are, but some days there is not much air in my balloon.
Of all the “pondering” at the end of the day there was no post. When first writing I thought I must write daily as did John and later on, Becky. The three of us turned out a blog every day and enjoyed the feed-back from the comments.
It was like a honeymoon after a quick wedding. I didn’t have the computer very long until I tried putting out a blog with very little knowledge of the language, or how things worked. I would absolutely go into panic if the screen didn’t offer the desired outcome. After a long time, like a trained monkey I could produce and publish a blog. The excitement of those first published items of the honeymoon may eventually glide into a realistic marriage but it is never, ever, forgotten. The thrill lasts in a treasure of memories.
I still have the original Home Page that John designed for me. I still do not know how to put “links” in a piece being written. I did learn how to take pictures, feed them into the computer and retrieve them as well as “stealing” other pictures fitting to the post. The hunger of writing and posting is still in my veins. Facebook is not as exciting for a line or two is not like a good visit. Call me old fashioned.
My desire is to write with regularity again which is high on my list. Even if no one ever reads it there is still pleasure in the writing of a thought or an idea. The picture is of a stained glass window butterfly…..which represents new beginnings. Something that came across my desk recently was a Dakota Proverb. It reads, “We will be forever known by the tracks we leave.”
With a new beginning the journey will leave my tracts in many different places. I feel renewed and awake as if from a long sleep…………
Essentially Esther