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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As I sat drinking my coffee this morning, for some reason, my dad came to mind and I had a mental picture of him drinking his coffee. In an instant we were back at the old kitchen table where I always sat across from him. One of the “changes” in polite society hit me square in the face. Why? For one reason my dad always poured his coffee into a saucer and then blew on it to cool and then, down the hatch. This repetition went on until the cup was empty.

He would then take his spoon and quietly tap the saucer which was mom’s cue to pour another cup. She wasn’t degraded by the request. The old gas stove was behind her and she would get up, pour the coffee and sit back down. Many times dad would say, “Dort, while you’re up, get the sugar,”……or some other thing. My mother’s name was Dorothy but dad always called her Dort. When I was little, I wondered why but as an adult I know it was an endearing term between the two of them.

I never saw my dad kiss my mom. Never!! Yet I always knew they loved one another. Words were never a substitute for actions. The little things they daily did for one another was testimony enough. Mom used to say something she had read out of the old Capper’s Weekly paper which pretty well said it all. Though I don’t remember it exactly, it went something like…… “How much do I love thee? My actions will show.” If any of you know the proverb or poem, whatever it was, I would appreciate a copy.

But back to the saucer……it’s almost a thing of the past. Most dish sets come with a modified mug and no saucer. It came slowly from the neighborhood Diner’s to the kitchen table. A saucer is pretty much unnecessary without a cup. They are made precisely for one reason and that is to hold the cup. At first, mugs were middle-class but ever so slowly they began showing up in the finest of china.

Often times when I am in Flea Markets I come upon china saucers and their beauty is legendary. I pick them up for a dollar or so and give them a loving home to be used as soap dishes, a tiny tray for potpourri or whatever comes to mind. Their once proud place at the table they now find themselves in the poorest of circumstances....a Flea Market!

I pray I will stay true to my main purpose and do it well until I am found by someone who senses my value and welcomes me.

Father’s Day was yesterday. I love you Dad………..

Essentially Esther