Monday, March 14, 2011
The USPA had a Meet in The Firm Gym in West Plaines Saturday. Rodney Wood was the organizer and did a great job of getting it all together. Lifters came from around the State as well as some from near our borders.
The participants were in good number and three women also made up the roster. Many broke their own personal records and it was a good day of lifting. The young man we are sponsoring with proceeds from The Rocky Memorial Fund did very well in all three of the events. Later Becky and I had a chance to visit with him and his father. Very nice people and would make Rocky proud.
I forgot my camera but thanks to others I have a couple pictures that I can ad here to give you the idea. It was a good turnout and we look forward to the next Meet in Blue Springs June 25th. Becky and I plan going if at all possible. I believe this one is to be an APA event.
Rodney made a nice talk about Rocky after the awards were handed out and most of the guys attending had lifted with Rocky in the past. It’s always good to see the faces of those we know from other events around the State.
Hoping you have a good week.
Essentially Esther