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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


After several attempts I finally got on face book. The first time they didn’t like the passwords I tried to use so I gave up and deleted the effort. Stopped in mid-stream as they say. The next day I received an email congratulating me for being on face book. I decided to give it another try. This time they liked my password but were convinced someone had attempted to access my account. I made a phone call to John just to visit last night and the conversation led around to face book. For those of you who know John, he set about turning the wheels of progress. He is a fixer upper.

With him monitoring my page he aptly put me through the paces and by the time we said goodbye, I was off and running. I am sure I’ll need more instruction down the line somewhere but at least I’m in the mix now. I totally “get it” as to why grandparents like being able to email and/or face book. In just a few minutes we’re talking with our loved ones and looking at a recent picture of them. Who knew?

Winter has definitely arrived. It’s about the messiest and most depressing time of year. Everything is in shades of brown and gray and totally soaked. The minute I step outside the moisture in the air chills to the bone. It’s the time of year when I actually think of moving to a warmer climate. However, that isn’t even worth thinking about because I know I’ll never do it. Habit and circumstances will keep me right here.

Who would feed all the birds and give them water? They must be checked night and morning to make sure they have everything they need. It is, I confess, a lot of work in bad weather but they are beautiful. I love their songs in early Spring as the ones who were babies last year are now looking for a mate. It is so special to see a male cardinal woo the prospects. He will pick up a choice morsel and take it to her…..if she accepts it he hurries to find another. She will allow it and then they rub beaks. Soon they are building a nest, a first for both of them, and they raise their little brood around the yard here………bringing them to the feed and water. They are one of the bird species who mate for life. When it snows and they light in one of the pines their bright color is almost iridescent.

I wonder if God looks upon us all and finds pleasure as we come to the things He has prepared for us. The birds don’t know their benefactor and so many times we don’t find the goodness He has been faithful to spread in front of us.

We are gifted by grace and we receive in the portions we give. God loves a cheerful giver and try as we might……we can never out-give Him.

Essentially Esther