Monday, January 03, 2011
The remnants of the past year are being scooped up and cast aside. We are beginning the third day of a new year. Resolutions are not for the geriatric crowd. We’ve lived long enough to know we won’t even get through the first day. Besides that we know all the good intentions are just that…….good intentions.
We cut through unrealistic ideas and keep on doing all those things doctors said would kill us 40 years ago. Still here, still kickin’ so what do they know? We’ve all had a lot of friends who were resolutely careful about what they ate and lived half their life in the gym. Where are they now? In the box where we keep all the obits and folders we were handed at their funerals.
I’m not particularly smart…….but I do learn from past mistakes and heartache. I have loved much and most of the time been loved back. If it is one-sided, I’m smart enough to drop and punt. There are other people who need love. I’m talking the love of friends, here……. I’ve never figured out what makes a friend, a friend. Some draw us into a special place of friendship while others find us irritating. The smart thing to do is decide which is which.
“Out with the old and in with the new.” The new little baby comes in on January 1st and the old man goes out. Not many people know where the old man goes but I have it from a reliable source that he goes to the South Pacific and winters with Santa Clause. They entertain one another with their stories of the past year and eat coconuts and pineapple.
Do the things you like more than once and don’t do what you don’t like. Do what you can, while you can, where you can and don’t fuss over what you can’t. We are all very special to someone so don’t forget the power of a smile. People respond to a smile with a smile and that makes everyone happy.
So Happy New Year to all, I think I see that new little baby…..I think I’ll go smile at him.
Essentially Esther