Monday, September 13, 2010
Well, good morning to all. I’m going to try and get the week started off with a blog. Some of you have inquired with your concerns so I will let you know my health is good and I have no problems. Just good friends who care about me.
I have been taking Becky to our dentist in Springfield for a tooth that has caused her a lot of trouble in the past and present. She was referred to an oral surgeon so Friday they removed the tooth and she had the weekend to rest up for work this morning. When she is healed she will have to go back to have an implant put in rather than a bridge. Something new to me but they seem to think it’s the best way to go. Time will tell.
Rocky’s daughter, Holly and husband came our way over the weekend. The weather is ideal recently and they wanted to see the different springs around our area. They are picturesque as some of them have water-wheels to grind grains and others are more or less tourist attractions with the old mills looking out across ponds of water that drain off in creeks or rivers. The trees, rocks and running water make them most attractive. Missouri’s Springs are representative of the diversity in Nature we enjoy in our State.
I have woefully neglected my writing and answering emails. I’m working on it (for those of you who have asked) and hopefully will be back on track. I have been adopted by another kitten. Now I have three inside cats, and Mandy the dog. I have 5 cats outside and a peacock. I’m beginning to look like Noah’s Ark. Feeding these guys takes some time morning and night but when you love the what’s and why’s it isn’t work. I must have a lot of “cat” in me.
Mandy continues to be my biggest problem, if you will. She is stubborn, doesn’t like anything bothering her comfort zone……a picky eater but a glutton when it comes to my time to dine. She is a sweet little dog when she gets everything she wants. Must be a female trait. For you cat lovers out there…….the new kitten is a Calico.
Due to the lack of doing anything in a maintenance mode I need to stop and get to some necessary housework. I hope you’ve had a good weekend and Monday is good to you. Park your troubles at the door and give everyone a great big smile. We have just passed a sad date on the calendar that most of us were spared of seeing first-hand. As I watched the complete video several times on Saturday it reaffirmed how precious and fleeting life can be.
That’s one good reason to wear the smile I mentioned…………
Essentially Esther