Thursday, July 08, 2010
The long weekend got me off guard as far as getting to the blog-site. Becky was home those three days and we worked in our yards but had our suppers together. I am still working on the tangled mess down in the “hole” and love the progress along with the results. I could be wrong but several of the oak trees are looking like they have an infestation. The bark looks like it’s been burned…..and the leaves are turning brown. I’m undecided because it could be the trees have suffered with no rain in June to speak of.
The 4th of July was consumed with everything from sparklers to gigantic booms and some of them made the two cats and one little doggie scramble for cover. When the first couple of the fireworks went off they ran to me and wanted protection. I hated the lack of compassion I had for them because they looked like deer in the headlights and I struggled to be somewhat serious for their fright. Why is it so funny to see your little dogs and kitties terrified? Please tell me I’m not the only one.
When I got up and looked out the front door there was a display right down the hill from us and they were shooting off the big chrysanthemums and various other pretty floral fireworks. Along with the beautiful colors to look at, we kept hearing horrific noise from the large fireworks. At one point they let a bunch off all at once and it was deafening. By that time the cats were in the back bedroom and not coming out.
I was torn between seeing the beautiful live display here and Toby Keith who was at the Boston celebration. I’m a Toby Keith fan and hated to miss him. I did a pretty good job of keeping up with both programs…commercials helping out. Most of the day I watched the History of US and it was very interesting.
I was surprised with some of the founding Fathers information because I have been out of high school for 61 years. There is much more opportunity now to read about their personal lives and I imagine the schools have good teaching tools with the attained video and audio devises. I have always enjoyed History so I watch the History Channel when I can.
I am proud of our country and pray every day for our troops and for the politicians. Surely there has to be a way to bring the division between all the different parties to an end. Our country has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world and we the people are generous and the first to aid in a crisis.
May it always be the land of the free and the home of the brave……….
Essentially Esther