Thursday, April 22, 2010
Things stayed pretty much the same until yesterday. When I woke up and checked the tree he roosts in, he was grooming himself, and I forgot about him until later in the morning. When I did go out to see about him he wasn’t in front of the garage where he usually enjoys the sun until it gets too warm, which sends him to the berm for the day.
It was eerie. No sound, nothing, no where. The more I looked, the more I worried because he wasn’t anywhere he normally is at that time of day.
I rationalized that he couldn’t go far because of barely being able to managae from the tree to the garage to the berm. Therefore I couldn’t believe he would go to any of the neighbors, out of sight.
I spent the whole day looking and preparing myself that he might not come back. I had all kinds of scenarios floating through my brain and wore myself out by dusk. Something made me take one last look and here came Napoleon up the grade into our yard from across the street.
He was still hopping but his hurt foot hung lower down and he would swing it in rhythm with the other leg in a walking motion though not putting pressure on it. I was overjoyed at first and then when he was so blasé about the whole thing I wanted to jerk him up and give him a piece of my mind. (Though there isn’t much to give away anymore.)
I had the same sensation with my little John the day he was playing in the street and riding his bike up the next block. Wobbling up the street with cars zigzagging around him I was so relieved he was in one piece I hugged him and had an over-riding sense of gratitude for a few minutes, and then, I was close to grabbing him up and spanking the daylights out of him. Relief comes in many different forms.
Today was much the same. We had a good rain this morning and Napoleon was sitting on the porch-railing of the house across the street. OK….I can deal with that because I could see him. Later in the morning he came back here so he is definitely becoming more mobile. He makes his rounds (normally) and several people had missed him and asked if I’d seen him…….he hangs around here because the cats keep him company and I’m out in the yard quite a bit. Also, he loves the treats he gets.
The picture is one of my azaleas…….they are so pretty but almost leafed out now. I enjoy them as long as I can, no matter the stage they are in.
Well, all’s well that ends well… that’s the scoop on Napoleon……if there are any changes I will keep you posted…….
Essentially Esther