Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Medications love me! As I wrote some time ago, I had my left eye laser-treated and a week later had the right eye done. As expected, it only took a few minutes, wasn’t painful and I left, a happy woman.
Fast speed forward a few days when I woke up with terrible sores in my mouth. My tongue was swollen and anytime I moved it to talk, eat, swallow…..or even remotely make it move…..OUCH!!!! OK….I’ve about seen it all between three kids, parents and husbands but this was different. I checked it every few hours as it began making large sores on the right side of my tongue. It was getting worse by the hour.
You know small towns. The Medical Clinic is always overflowing with everything from skin rashes to cancer and I didn’t want to go unless it was entirely necessary. My tongue kept swelling and my right cheek became swollen. And then………it dawned on me that the left side of my tongue was sore when I had the left eye treated with the drops.
At the time I thought I burned my tongue and roof of my mouth on hot soup. But going from A to B my right side was like that only worse by 2 days into my drops. My deduction was that it had to be the drops both times except by the second round I was adding more medication onto an already sore mouth and tongue. The dye was cast, so to speak.
Long story short, I was having an allergic reaction to the eye-drops. Haven’t we talked about this several times already? Different doctors, different medications and for different reasons…..the number keeps rising on meds I can’t handle. I’ve been quiet these past several days because it really hurt when my tongue glided along my back teeth. It was not pleasant.
But…….what a pity. I have had three husbands that would have enjoyed me being unable to talk and here I sit all by my lonesome. I feel like a pinch hitter who has just had his second strike and the pitcher is winding up to deliver the third. You know it’s coming but you can’t do anything except try your best to avoid an ‘out.’
Now…..after reading this I’m sure it has given some satisfaction that “you,” the reader, has escaped such an episode. I’m much better so I’m looking forward to the fundamental things like eating again. So I’m through writing and you’re through reading…….just keep hanging in there.
Essentially Esther