Monday, February 22, 2010
I have watched the Olympics and ignored all else. Now I’m beginning to feel the heat from all the things I should have been doing. Why?? ?? I keep reading Maxine and was interested some time back to read about her creator and how “she” got started. A school friend from Germany sent the information of how it all began.
I used to think she was silly, a bad example and someone I wouldn’t want to live next door to. The older I get, the more I think she’s got it about right as far as not caring how others perceive her. Most of us follow a pattern we have fallen into because we thought that’s who we were…, DO NOT say I’m the only one.
As little girls we grow up with women whom we follow in line down the road going…..somewhere. We don’t really know where. We know we will grow up, get married, have children…… and become old and ugly. It was inevitable.
How do I perceive myself, how do I perceive others and how do they perceive me? I think of Maxine as Bea Arthur……I can just see her playing the part of Maxine. Bea seemed to always be the one who had to dish out rationality with a gravel voice but you knew deep inside she was a softie.
Well, the Olympics are on and I’d better hurry to finish. I have a deep-down Maxine feeling about sitting down defiantly to watch. Work? Who cares? I’m retired so I’m going to do just about everything that is allowed as a Christian and legal. They are following their dream and …….I’m dreaming along with them.
Essentially Esther