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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well, the squirrels have played with their Tinker-Toy on the tree all day. Business is picking up as others want to see what it is….they get playful and scramble all over the tree, up and down. Those little guys are fast…..so far, too fast for the cats, thankfully.

I took a picture of a bird feeder my friend made for Christmas. She is a bird lover as I am and she sawed a pretty good sized branch off of a tree, cut it to roughly a foot or so and then drilled six holes in it to put peanut butter. She gave me six nails to hammer in under each hole so the birds would have something to perch on while eating. It was all fixed with a hook on top to hang and I was anxious to try it. She even provided the first jar of peanut butter so I was ready to go.

I have to divide my time doing things that need to be done and then enjoying the feeders and the activity they initiate. It’s a barrel of fun and I manage to see a lot every day. A fella just can’t work all the time.

I took a picture in case anyone wanted to make something like it. I know there are a lot of “birders” out there. It would be interesting to see how someone else could substitute the branch…..not everyone has a tree to saw up but I suppose it could be done with boards…..4 X 4’s whatever. At any rate here is the one she made for me and the birds and I love it.

Time to feed Napoleon so see you later.

Essentially Esther