Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Whoever thought up the Global Warming problem didn’t live in the Ozarks. We have had the coolest Spring and Summer I can remember. With cool weather and abundance of rain local foliage enjoyed a growth rate denied by former dry spells. The density of leaves on the trees was amazing. Here it is October and last night the temperature slipped to a 34* and that’s too close for comfort. It’s almost time to say goodbye to the last blooms of the season.
Now for the main event. Did any of you happen to watch Monday Night Football? I watched in fine style. Rocky’s brother and wife sent a #4 Minnesota T-shirt and before the game I put it on and settled down in my front-row seat. The hype all week for one of the biggest games of the season had me on edge. Farve admitted being more nervous than he could remember. Let me tell you…….he wasn’t as nervous as I was.
Monday I listened to the re-cap and incites of the Sports aficionados most of the day. How I love my NFL channel. For those who love Brett Farve it was kismet……for those not so inclined I’m sure they made excuses for the Packer’s.
The records Farve has broken and is on the brink of making has put him above a franchise who decided he was no longer worthwhile. Youth and brawn could not curtail experience and love of the game. What “is” against what “what might be” prevailed. Farve is deserving of the accolades and respect he has earned……and in the years before giant salaries and giant ego’s.
Hey, I would like him just from the commercials he makes poking fun at himself. It just shows he’s bigger than his critics………
Essentially Esther