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Sunday, August 02, 2009


During the 5-days I haven’t written, I’ve had company, put another half bushel of peaches in the freezer, visited my friend in the nursing home one afternoon and a few other things as well.

I didn’t like the relapse I had with my sciatica so I’ve been treating that as well, taking baby steps and doing as much as I can sitting down. It would have been OK but I lifted things that were very heavy and I was pretty sure of the outcome but what can you do when you are the only one? I have another appointment with the massage person on Tuesday so I hope he will do as much good as last time. I cancelled my Tuesday appointment this past week so I could be ready for George to come that afternoon.

He was with us until Thursday afternoon and went back to Shawnee. I’ve had the car in for it’s yearly physical and at 109,000 miles, plus, it seems to be in good shape. I guess us old gals are keeping up even if we have a lot of mileage behind us.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with friends to do some preparation for quilted pieces and that’s always nice. I am no longer making quilts as I have more than I can use so I’m working mostly on table runners and the smaller items. The beauty of that is that you can work on more patterns much sooner. I like lots of variety and there are so many beautiful quilt patterns……and I have so little time.

Napoleon has lost all his beautiful long tail feathers and spends his days pulling out the others that he needs to shed. I have collected as many of them as I find and will do something special with them when he’s through casting them aside. When he’s around in good light, I’ll get a picture for those of you who like hearing about him.

Our weather continues to be cooler than normal with more rain than we usually see in July. We’ve already had a good rain the first day of August so we’ll take all we can get. We’ve had some pretty hot, dry years recently. I know why they dubbed “Mother” for the name of Nature. Women are always changing things and that’s so true of Nature.

This is a picture of my favorite quilt. Completely hand pieced and hand quilted by me. Yes, it took a while but I love it and it’s worth it. The word Esther means a Star so you can guess the connection.

Essentially Esther