Monday, August 31, 2009
DAY FOUR......
Time doesn‘t seem to slow down even though I have been parked by the side of the road. I figured it would seem forever to even get past the first few days. However, this is my fourth day of (shall I call it, “inactivity”) and it’s hard to believe I’m looking at the last day of August.
Have you ever been stuck in one place because of illness or some catastrophe and those who come to visit, call or write are experts on your problems? After the doctor’s diagnosis most every one says…..”well I thought you should have gone to the doctor sooner……..or…….I told you to rest and quit doing so much….or…..if you had listened to me…….”
Hummmmmm. I wonder if I’ve been guilty of the same? Maybe I am now having to chew on words I’ve spoken myself! If that is so I promise to wash my mouth out with soap and never do it again. I have noticed more than a few times “what” I speak, often comes home to roost, as my mother used to say. I think that must be why really smart people keep their mouths shut. Yes!! I’m sure of it.
Do not waste pity on me. I do not hurt, do not take pain pills and my mind is still entertaining me. It’s been great fun to wheel up to a drawer, now ‘even’ with the wheel-chair, and look through some of my stuff. I’ve found all kinds of things I had put aside to do……and guess what? Now I’m in perfect position to do them.
Those who know me say the good Lord has to make me sick or stuck somewhere or I’d never slow down. It is a great learning opportunity and I intend making the most of it. See you back here tomorrow…….good Lord willing.
Essentially Esther