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Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I’m writing today in a room closed off because I have stained a piece of furniture in here. The smell is not only terrible but I would imagine not too good for my lungs. Just an update on the doctor visit today……she agreed with the chiropractor and the only thing she could do differently was prescribe a pain pill.

I am not better today….it hurts worse but only took the pill an hour ago. I’m like an addict watching the clock until the next pill. I’m hoping it will work since I’m more or less sedentary at this stage.

John sent a book I’m reading so it’s a chance to finish that and maybe do a little work on an afghan I’m making. I can find something to do at any level of activity or no activity. I have a crossword puzzle half finished so that will be first on my list……OK…..I think I’m set.

Our weather is getting ugly. The next couple of days is mid-90’s and the weekend is to be 100. It will be OK if we keep the little breeze we’ve been having. No matter how hot it is……if there is a breeze and you are in the shade, it’s tolerable. On the other hand if the above isn’t happening……the humidity is in control.

There are so many things to be thankful for I can’t find it in my heart to complain. There are people everywhere who hurt this bad all the time. There is no “pill” to ease their pain and they certainly don’t have AC or clean water. In comparison I don’t stand very tall.

My condition will improve in time and I’ll be normal again. (Well, anyway “my” normal.) The odds of recovery aren’t very good for the people we see on TV that are truly suffering with no chance of getting help or getting better. I don’t know the full extent of needs for these people but it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize we have it pretty good in comparison.

The picture is one taken by George (son #1) of his rock berm. I thought it should have a chance to be enjoyed by those of you who read my blog. I’ve seen it close and personal……it is very pretty.

Essentially Esther