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Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Am I the only one that can’t believe it is already June 9th? I had a lot of grand ideas when I retired. I bought up a lot of yarn and cloth so I could have hobbies out the gazoo without spending from a fixed income. That seems to be the cry of retired people.

I promised myself I would never give in to the wimpy phrase of…… “ but I’m on a fixed income.” I know employed people hate to hear that and as a matter of fact I do too. Look….if you can’t afford it……move on. Don’t beg for a dime.

Most retired people have put in the years to have an income after employment. We have paid forward for Social Security and retirement from our place of income. We have not run Social Security short of funds. That fact has to be laid at the feet of congress who keeps digging in for all sorts of causes.

I pay for insurance and some who are not entitled receive “free” medical and disability checks. Free housing, free medical, food handouts……and so much sympathy from Social Workers. I know from which I speak. Sadly, it is uncommon to find gratitude from people who should be the most grateful.

It is true that not all abuse the system. But even some abuse should be denied when we think of our troops who continually put themselves in harms way to give us our freedom. Freedom is not free. Freedom is the sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice, of so many who laid it on the line for the rest of us. If there were no God I would despair for the injustice of life. If there were no God I would have no hope at all.

It seems God’s way is for us to give, in every situation. Give when we have nothing left, give when it’s just an encouraging word….a look, a smile….a hug. Give of our time, our money, our talents. Give the benefit of the doubt. If he knows how many hairs are on my head to the time of my birth and death….it is enough for me to trust him. He removes my resentments and helps me realize the greater good.

He makes me a better person.

Essentially Esther