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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


We’ve had high winds and cold weather but my blooms are still showing forth. What a testament of hanging on when the going gets tough. My pink dogwood is full of buds and if it makes it through one more day I will be blessed with a beautiful pink cloud later on. This should be the last of the killing frost.

The red bud trees are just beginning to come out. They aren’t in their full glory yet so I will take a picture later when they are at their best. I know folks who read this are from all over the world and I’m sure our flowers are of interest to them. I also have family who miss out on the Spring blooms here in the Ozarks so it gives them a look from back home.

I am expecting Rocky’s brother and his wife on Thursday so I will be absent on the blog during their visit. We always look forward to them coming. Anyone connected to Rocky is very special to me.

And now, I’d better get busy. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone.

Essentially Esther