Tuesday, April 28, 2009
After a beautiful weekend we have had rain for two days. We needed it and I’m sure glad I got my mulch out in two of the flower beds. Would have liked getting my fertilizer down but couldn’t get to it.
In fact, I couldn’t get to a lot of things after my efforts with the mulch. I purchased 10 bags, some fertilizer and peat moss. First I spread the peat moss over it and then the mulch. I have weed killer for every purpose…..from the driveway to the porches and flower beds. Guess who’s muscles are sore?
It is supposed to rain all week so I plan inside work until I can get out to the other flower beds. I always have knitting and if so inclined I can always find something to clean around the house.
I saw a cute comment at one of the church yards in town…..I assume it needs to be updated since it involves Easter, but it’s still there and I definitely get the message. Very clever. (“There is much more to Easter than something to “dye” for.)
As I look out the window, Napoleon is taking issue with the stone pelican standing in the berm. His tail is spread out and he charges right up to it then does a little dance. Poor thing doesn’t remember the pelican has been there as long as he’s been here. Often times he snuggles up and sleeps by it and the proof has been saved on film. OK, Mr. Napoleon…….stop being mean to the pelican…….
Essentially Esther