Essentially Esther Banner

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We are finally home after six days with family. Becky and I drove up to George’s on Wednesday last week and John/Barbara flew in on Friday. It isn’t often we have the opportunity to be together and this was one time we would not have asked for.

The memorial service and burial was on Saturday. The mortuary and cemetery was a long way from Shawnee and the predicted winter storm began early in the day. Strong wind, sleet, snow and ice made traffic hazardous for the afternoon service. George Sr.’s widow had been ill and though difficult she was able to attend.

John was asked to do the eulogy and gave a heartfelt tribute of the years growing up along with memories of his dad. He kept it short due to the worsening of the weather and the Military Honor Guard waiting at the cemetery.

Big flakes of snow were falling and the ground was white when we drove into the cemetery. The dress blues worn by the Honor Guard stood out against the white world around them. After the prayer, taps, the rifle fire and the presentation of the flag to George’s widow there was no other sound except the tent flapping in the wind.

Continued tomorrow. (This picture was taken 2-days later. Snow almost gone.)

Essentially Esther