Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It is beautiful here in the Ozarks! We have 73* today with a slight breeze. The windows are open and I’m loving that fresh air. I am happy to say that finally I have sound with my PC again. In desperation I pulled the monitor out, looked to see where the speaker wires were……put the yellow hook-up in a place marked with yellow….and presto-chango…..it’s talking to me again.
Several people have been checking it out and evidently it was too simple for great minds to prevail. Sometimes I think I am that way with God. I try to make things too difficult when He makes it so simple. When I am at the end of Esther then He goes to work. The credit goes to Him who helps me every day. He certainly does take care of widows and orphans……and I am both.
Here are another couple of pictures from the Barn. The first is a single showcase, the second a double. I am responsible for the showcases and Becky and I work the booths together. I do the light stuff and she does the ladder and heavy stuff. It's fun and there are a lot of tourists through the area on their way to Branson. More to come.......
Essentially Esther