Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I took this picture on Sunday after it snowed all day on Saturday. I had hoped to post a picture of the red-birds who came to the feeders but they didn’t come out good. I had to take the pictures from the window as my appearance would have scared them away. Unfortunately the window screen covered their beauty so they were hardly distinguishable.
You will have to take my word for their beauty and number. I had at least 50 Cardinals. The trees and bushes around the feeders were full and there was a constant flow of birds taking turns at the feeders.
One of our favorite things was to care for and watch the birds. Rocky and I would sit at our table by the window to see the diversity and funny antics. We often laughed at a squirrel who tried and tried to get the sunflower seeds….Rocky had a good defense for the little guys but actually we enjoyed feeding them along with the birds. Squirrels can be quite entertaining.
It’s also important to keep water for the birds in winter. The Birds and Blooms magazine had an article about this. If water is not available and they have to fly a long way to find it their energy is depleted for keeping warm. I have found the feed stores carry small warmers that can be put in the bird-baths to keep water above freezing. Napoleon and the cats also go there for water when there is a snow cover.
I mention these basic things for those who may be interested in birds but unaware of their needs. Keeping flowering bushes, trees and “cover” in your yard is great for birds, butterflies and hummingbirds will never leave a yard full of bloom. It is better for them to have the natural benefits of the flowers and saves having to fill sugar water in the feeders.
I read a cute line this morning……Do you know why bees hum? Because they don’t remember the words. Here’s hoping your day is a hummer!!
Essentially Esther