Monday, February 16, 2009

My back hurts, my feet hurt and I’m tired!!! It is becoming very clear to me that I just can’t do what I used to. I can try to fool myself for a while but eventually I have to be realistic and back off for a while. I haven’t taken time to blog since I have this big upheaval in the house. For all intents and purposes it looks like I’m moving.
My trouble started when I saw a couch I couldn’t come home without. You know what happened, don’t you. The minute it was in the door nothing else looked good or “went with” it. After thinking it over I knew I couldn’t pull paper off the living room and hallway… I thought, one room. I’ll have one room done and then it will work just fine.
I can tell you’re ahead of me on this. Yes! Once the living room was finished, I looked down the hall to the bedroom and it was not a happy picture. The bedroom did not look good looking from the living room. I thought, OK, I’ll have the bedroom done too and the office can wait… isn’t too bad.
Then I thought….. “ but if I have the office done everything would be done except the kitchen and bathroom.” The kitchen is OK but the bathroom hasn’t been brought up to speed for too many years. It will be a major over-hall so there is no question about it having to wait.
So now my big ideas are reduced to all the tubs of stuff to go through and decide what to pitch and what to keep. It is like pulling teeth with all the decisions. Each piece has a history and it’s hard to let go…….but I promised myself I would down-size and simplify. Housework has become more of a back breaking routine instead of…….well……!
I know I’m smart enough to do this. Let go, let go, let go.
Ahhhhh! I’m feeling better aleady.
Now that I’m in the proper frame of mind I’m going to get busy. Still don’t have the camera transferring my pictures to the computer so that will have to be the next job. I miss having current pictures to put in the blog. I’ll dig something up from the past entries to put on for today.
Essentially Esther
Labels: The "before".......the "after" will be coming.