Essentially Esther Banner

Thursday, February 05, 2009


If you missed a picture yesterday it’s because my Dell says it won’t recognize my USB cable and therefore transferring my pictures will not happen. There are always pictures in my file that can be used to bring a little interest to the site. Who knew that computers were so picky? Suddenly it has turned on the cable and slammed the door shut. OK….a trip to WalMart will be the solution. (This picture was taken almost to the day in 2006)

I have been slowly working on a transformation in our house. It really took off when I bought a new couch (divan, sofa….whatever you call them) and I wanted to change the whole look so that was a starter in the living room. I had wallpaper for quite a few years and have decided to go with painted walls. It is much easier to change.

Growing up in the 30’s was actually a blessing. I learned to create with whatever was at hand. I have to laugh when I remember our treasures in a paste-board box that slid under the bed. I had various magazines and catalogs so I played secretary and made orders out to Sears Catalog. I also had Jacks, a jump rope, Pick up Sticks, color books and so on. My brother also had a box of “boy stuff”….model airplanes and modeling clay were his favorites.

They say “necessity is the mother of invention” and I agree. Money is not the benefactor when it comes to learning to work with what you have. Growing up in an era without credit cards was educational. If you didn’t have cash….you did not buy. If you couldn’t buy, you did without. It’s amazing how much you can do without when you put your mind to it.

Looking back at the road traveled I am blessed and grateful to have the health that I do and to be where I am. Contentment is something more or less a choice we make. It isn’t always the case but some wealthy folks aren’t all happy and all welfare folks aren’t always unhappy……..it’s just how we look at life in general and choose to think.

There is something inside all of us that dreams beyond where we are. A quiet little urging to use what we’ve been given and to be content.

Essentially Esther