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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


As they say in this area……. “we got a skiff of snow last night.” Not enough to cause any problems but enough to track a rabbit. I just came from the garage where I was cleaning out some empty boxes and other “stuff” when I came upon a little critter that I call a chipmunk. I’ve saved many from the jaws of my cats but this one wasn’t that fortunate. It was half-eaten and very dead. I’ll always hate a cat’s killing instinct but that’s the way they are so I just have to deal with it.

I’ve been working in my bedroom clearing out what I can for the next floor conversion. I thought going through the closet and the drawers would help when the time comes. In a mobile home it is always difficult to find room for as much as I’d like but I have ended my bad habit of putting the table leafs under the bed. It always meant when we had company they had to be retrieved and dusted before they were needed. I’m trying to cut down on having so many things to do when I’m expecting company so now the table and all the chairs are in the kitchen. One little victory about that.

I went for my usual lab work this morning at our local Medical Clinic. Tomorrow I go for a chat with my nurse practitioner. It’s always a time to exchange family news and hear how well your tests are doing. It’s small town courtesy to do so. By the time I see the NC I’ve had eye contact and a pleasant exchange with everyone in the waiting room. Of course you have plenty of time to do that because the NC and other doctors are visiting with their patients. Time runs excruciatingly slow in a waiting room.

The picture I’ve selected for today is one taken from my window in the car. One last look before we began the long drive to the North. We ran out of rain around Jackson and later the sun came out. However, it was very dark when we arrived home. It was great to go as I hadn’t been there since Katrina and that’s too long to stay away from family. One thing for sure, my kitty cats were sure glad to see me come home. It’s always nice to have a welcome when you come through the door.

Essentially Esther