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Thursday, December 18, 2008


…….is my abscessed molar to quit hurting. After several months of a nagging soreness in my lower left gum/jaw I knew it wasn’t going away without drastic measures. Upon waking up two nights in a row with the whole left side of my face, and especially my jaw, sending messages to me I got the message. I am one who has had very little dental problems, mostly just cleaning or an occasional crown. Not bad for the years my teeth have served.

Why do things like this always happen when the roads are icy with a windy chill and ice on the windshield? After a call to the dentist who has his practice in Springfield I left on the promise they would work me in.

The highway wasn’t too bad and by the time I got to the office there was an opening and I was treated with an X-ray which showed the problem. I had a classic abscessed tooth. My thoughts turned immediately to Becky who has the family’s worst teeth. My brain was tabulating her many abscesses and it wasn’t a pretty picture. She has suffered greatly with dental problems.

So come Monday morning I will be making the same drive back to Springfield to have the root canal and crown. I am in uncharted waters so therefore I have no fear. My dentist says it is just a boring experience, the worst of which you have your mouth open for an hour. I do have some question about the “boring” part since they will be going down in the roots of the tooth……but hey! How bad can that be? (weak laugh here)

Whoever thought up pain medicine is to be commended!

Essentially Esther