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Thursday, September 11, 2008


It is raining here, just a nice quite rain. I noticed it an hour ago when it became dark in the house so I’m taking a break from juggling laundry, putting dishes in the dishwasher and a few other things. I’ve been trying to keep an eye on the memorial ceremonies of 9-11.……since I changed to Dish Network I have been introduced to Fox News which I think is more of the facts and less of negative reporting. At my age I don’t want to see or hear anything negative…….it just steals the joy if you allow it to.

I am in love with Sara Polin. I don’t want to drive any wedges but to me she is a blissful change from the “usual” politician. In my thinking John McCain has shown his love of country by staying back in Hanoi Hilton when he could have had an early release. I would rather have a humble guy (and hero, incidentally) like him who maybe doesn’t know quite how to impress people with his talk, than someone who doesn’t know how it feels to be imprisoned or tortured for something like 5 ½ years. In our church we have a saying, “Walk what you talk or it is never going to fly.” Words have proved to be empty many times but if you’re doing the walk….you’re solid. I personally like a quiet speaking man who can back up what he says.

Yes I have a definite party choice but whoever wins, I am an American first. I will support the next president, pray for him and hope God is able to lead him all the way. God over all, we will survive and prosper.

Essentially Esther