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Monday, June 16, 2008


The past few days have flown by with good reason. Rocky’s brother Richard and wife, Helen, arrived on Thursday late afternoon. Becky got home from work just before they came and we had a nice time visiting. We spent most of the next morning just gabbing and keeping the coffee pot busy. We knew Becky was going to leave work early so we decided to drive down to the next town and visit a favorite gift shop before she left work. It was our intention to go to a new steak house for an early dinner not far from us. We hoped to escape the large crowds….and we did. It was where Becky took George and me for a steak dinner on my birthday.

The food was excellent but our meat was overcooked……however, all things considered, it was a fine meal and a great improvement over our usual fare. We only have a Sonic or McDonalds and most folks that are past 30 don’t choose to eat in a fast food place. We went early for dinner and managed to escape the large crowd coming in for Friday night steaks.

After an evening of visiting, Richard and Helen left for their motel after we all said our goodbyes. Their motel was already 10 miles or so on their way towards home and they wanted to leave early the next morning. Becky and I drove to Harrison the same morning to fill up a double show-case and single booth. It’s hard work to load our plastic totes as they are heavy and cumbersome. Becky’s back has been bothering her and I have my share of aches and pains too. It’s always so satisfying to set the booths up and finish the job. After closing, Steve, Sherri and their two youngest children suggested we drive over to the Branson Landing and have dinner.

They knew of a restaurant where they serve excellent Mexican food. We got to the parking lot around 6:30 or so and strolled up the walkway to the restaurant. Cement walks on both sides with a wide center walkway of brick were prettily decorated with huge pots of bright flowers. It was such a pleasant atmosphere with families and friends sitting on benches along the way or walking along as we were. Music flowed out of the street lights and there were fountains that danced to the music. Crowds were gathering to watch the water show with the music and huge blasts of fire coming from monstrous pipes that shot high in the air.

We walked along the river’s edge going back to the car and the evening breeze had cooled so it was pleasant. Stars overhead after a fine meal and music playing along the way was an end to a perfect evening. It is such a pretty place to relax and enjoy. It will be a good place to take guests when they come as it is truly a delightful experience along with excellent food.

I hope your weekend was as special as ours, however, we were deeply saddened by the death of Tim Russert. He was always an honored guest in our home anytime he was on TV. The next few weeks would have been gloriously enjoyed by him as one of the most unusual political seasons is about to wind down.

It isn’t so much what we do in life as it is what life does to us. No one walks away from tragedy or great loss without finding a meaning to it all. Tim Russert was a giant of a man with a big heart. His joy spilled out all over him with dancing eyes and the way smiles lit up his face…….and ours.

I shall miss you, Tim, and I shall be better for the time I’ve spent with you……..

Essentially Esther