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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Today was a good day. It was clear with a strong wind so the cats and I watched the leaves blow across the yard one way and then another. It seemed the wind was in harmony with the Santa Anna winds that have been pelting California. I admit I watched the updates every little bit……it’s hard to grasp that many people being sent running for their very lives and later to find their homes burned to the ground.

Living in a mobile home I have always feared wind and fire. It hasn’t made me crazy but let me just say…..I have respect for it and I do everything I can to take precautions against the possibility. I would be devastated if my Sassy and Mandy burned in our home or the three outside kitties who spend nights in our garage. My pets are great company for me and they trust me to look after them. And I do.

Tomorrow morning Becky and I go to Headquarters for our flu shots. I’ve heard of a few cases around already and I believe in the shots. They keep it from being so severe if you do contract it and sometimes we get by without getting it altogether. Once a year the Patrol provides the opportunity for employees and retired folks.

Much of my day was organizing. I am going through everything in the closets, drawers and the garage a little at a time. Since Rocky isn’t here to drag things out of the garage for me I am getting it to where I know what is in the boxes and much of my old stuff is going to the barrel I use for burning. There comes a time when we need to let go of things we hang on to.

I give away all I can, take some to the Antique Barn and burn the things that are not worth anything to anyone. I have read extensively about why we keep things and usually it’s because it belonged to a beloved relative or because we paid so much for it we think we have to keep it. I am actually enjoying my efforts……I’m finding things long forgotten….the house is a museum of sorts. The things I’ve kept all have a story……someday I think I’ll write a book about why certain things were kept. It is family history to be passed on.

I would like to know how many ladies buy produce every week and then when it’s over the hill, later on, take the mess to the garbage disposal. It has to do with intentions. My intention is to eat correctly and put as many fresh veggies and fruit into my diet as I can. I am a very smart shopper and buy healthy foods……then I come home with good intentions and I never find just the right time to incorporate them into my meals.

I’ve had a good talk with myself about this (people who live alone talk to themselves) and I don’t seem to get any better. I hate wasting food and money and I get very irritated with myself but I’m not getting anywhere. Maybe someone can tell me how to stop or start or just do without. One thing in my defense is quality of produce in the mid-west. It looks beautiful in the store but it has been shipped green and spoils before it ripens……our own growing season is too short to provide year round produce so it is discouraging. Visiting relatives on either coast sure makes me wish I could have the variety and quality they are provided.

Wednesday is almost over and before I sign off I would like to say that God has compensation for widows and orphans. I have been widowed twice and both times when a need arrives I can testify that it is taken care of. That doesn’t mean I don’t try to help myself but when I’ve gone as far as I can go……God steps in and makes up the difference. It amazes me how much He loves us, cares for us and provides every need…….as the old song says, “Just take it to the Lord in prayer.”

I have found in any situation, single, married, divorced, widowed….whatever!! God is a very present friend in time of trouble.

Until tomorrow, I am,
Essentially Esther