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Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Ever so often something happens to keep me writing. It’s something I have always enjoyed but to be honest it’s not always easy to find the time. Retired folks can relate to this. We are the working force that did our jobs and passed from the scene. Then we envisioned hours with our hobbies, travel and spending time with our families. Most of us were left at the old homestead while our children moved on.

We applauded them but realized……it won’t be possible to visit very often. Now they are the working class and cannot afford the vacation days every time we would like to visit. They deny this but as parents we know it is love that sparks the denial. They want us to think they will always have time for us but in reality we know they don’t. I’ve never intended to be a “clinging” mother and always encouraged spreading their wings. I hope they got that message.

Today I received an email that encouraged me. We draw encouragement from many different sources. To process how the blog gets to the internet it begins with my “chores.” I have always looked out the kitchen window as I did the family dishes to watch the bluebirds. In other words, the daily tasks are a great way of letting inspiration flow into our thinking. I am always aware of what’s going on around me. God’s world is amazing and since I and “it” are constantly changing it never gets tiresome. He paints a new canvas every day…….I need renewal every day.

Sometimes it is a thought I get as I read and sometimes it is an email I receive from someone I don’t know. Today was an email day for me. Earlier I tore off the page from my Rick Warren’s day calendar and read my verse for today. It was very moving and put me to thinking. Powerful stuff. That’s what I love about listening or writing or seeing……..we become aware of a world bigger than we are. We realize there is a connection but we don’t all have to be the same. God’s world is filled but each snowflake, each flower, each person, animal…..whatever….we have been allowed to be different.

To “be” who we are is acceptable. To try and be like someone else is not only sad but pitiful. Who would try to put hummingbird wings on an eagle? We would have two birds who couldn’t fly. My desire is to be the best Esther…..not the best woman. I know in my heart I will be writing until God quits sending the inspiration. I have always said He gives the inspiration, I do the writing. Jim, thank you for the email, I am blessed that you take time to read the blog.

We will never know why we are so valued by God or why He chose to make a way for us to be with Him through Christ. If we are so loved and have such a blessed future with Him we should let that love spill over to others continually. It is impossible to hold that kind of love inside……gratitude for what we’ve been given will always find it’s way out…………..

Essentially Esther