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Monday, August 06, 2007


For those of us who feel we “know” Ellen and Curtis…..the past month has been very painful. Ellen’s fight with cancer has been documented on her blog and Curtis has talked to us about his feelings. Cancer doesn’t just ruin one life, it ruins all of the people who are connected to that life. Ellen’s legions of friends is legendary. We grew to love her through her writing…..then because of the inside person who was so loving and caring.

There was no guessing about the marriage of Curtis and Ellen. It was hard to tell who loved who the most. In my book, that’s the way marriage should be. Just head-over-heels in love forever with your mate. She didn’t have to describe her love or tell us the depths of it, we knew. Her big ‘ol hillbilly from the U.S. made her one happy little Dutch girl.

Ellen is so talented, so giving and so enthusiastic it seems a shame that she has to push those things aside to fight the fight she has with cancer. It is a robber of energy and strength, and a killer of hope in most people. For Ellen it just made her fight harder and determined to overcome her villain. I don’t call that fool-hearty or being in denial…..I call that “guts” to stand up to a giant and raise a fist in his face.

I have a heavy heart because I feel she is slipping away from us. My prayers have been indwelt with those of her other readers……and we have prayed for Curtis throughout as well. We know the suffering of the caregiver is as painful but in a different kind of losing.

It isn’t so much what we do in life, it’s who we are. It isn’t important to make a lot of money but to count the richness of a life well lived. It isn’t the way we leave this life but what life we leave behind.

People like Curtis will go on and he will make a life for himself but the sunshine will be a little less, their home will have a little less cheer and the music in his heart will be a little softer……but he WILL go on. That’s what people do who have loved and been loved so intensely and who wait for eternity to take us where our true loves wait for us……….

Until tomorrow, I am,
Essentially Esther