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Thursday, August 30, 2007


I read over what I wrote yesterday and today I can say without hesitation there is good even in losing. I was sweeping the garage and my mind was randomly on “roam.” While I swept cobwebs and Napoleon’s feathers, some leaves and dust, I was thinking how blessed I am. Yesterday I talked about letting go and today I was thinking………. “yes, letting go hurts but thank goodness there is always something to make bad things easier to bear.”

The people I’ve lost all along the way have been good people. Not professional, poets, painters, musicians, engineers or political folk…..oh no! The people who have left me were the best of the good. Hard working, honest, forgiving, looking out for each other and all of them made me the person I am today.

I fear God so I try to do the things that please him. After you live seventy-five years you know without checking the “manual” what He likes. I believe in working for the things you get. I am charitable until you begin telling me how much, when and that you don’t intend working to better yourself. I love helping people who make use of a hand up……..not out!

I love my family. I love ALL of my family. From my own three children to Barbara, Marc and Aimee who married into the family, to Rocky’s children, his brother and wife and his sister and husband that I married into. I am truthful when I say I love them. I do not have to pretend……I think of the families who are so torn apart by drugs, and addictions of every kind, rich or poor, there are a lot of them. Then I feel very blessed I am not put through that pain.

While they live and when they die by their bad choices it is painful for the families they are part of. I have been spared all of that. I have been spared of things I can’t imagine exist and are unknown to me. It isn’t because I was smarter or more sheltered or had my head in the sand……it wasn’t a special commission by anyone, but somehow the good raising I had kept me from such things.

I was always taught that your name is the most important thing you carry with you in life. Never do anything that would ruin your good name. No, I’m not perfect but I didn’t want my family name drug through the mud or the married names I’ve had. I figure there are no perfect people “out” there………just people trying to make it through the best they can.

Genetics are important, heredity, the way you were raised and by whom, are important but not the end result. Bad kids kill their good parents, bad parents kill good children…….good, bad, bad, good………..it’s the toss of the dice what comes up when you throw them. With all of the ways of studying the brain and how it works, there is no explanation why we turn out like we do.

It boils down to who we are. Character takes a lifetime to form. We are individual and God still gives us the power of choice. Yes, power. One decision early in our journey can make our lives change forever. The most important thing to remember is, that it is never too late to make a choice for the better. It’s sort of a “free pass” that God gives each of us and it’s no good unless we use it……………

Until tomorrow, I am,
Essentially Esther