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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


There is a place called Happiness. It lies between two cities called Gratefulness and Forgiveness. The road is easy to go there but it’s amazing how many choose a much harder road. They are encumbered with Hatefulness, Greed and Selfishness who keep them off the good road.

The load is light and the scenery bright on the way to Happiness. Those who travel there do not need much luggage……and they often stop to notice the view and take time to greet one another. Their faces are beautiful and shining because they left Worry and Fretfulness behind. They do not carry Time with them because they are not in a hurry. They are simply enjoying the view and each other on the road.

Happiness is such a wonderful place to be. Her friends live there and never leave……there is Truth, Faithfulness, Joy, Peace, Patience and many others but of course you would have to go there to find them.

We travel many roads in life but so many carry us into the city of Unhappiness. An experienced traveler is so necessary because they can show us the way. The Guide is happy to show anyone how to get there and actually carries whatever luggage you think you need……but after a few days on the road you realize you don’t need Things and you bid Him set them down…..they will not be picked up again.

On the gate of Happiness is a large sign that simply says, Freedom. It is a word that best describes Happiness. Free of any and all corruption the city is a beacon to travelers and welcomes each and everyone.

Happiness is a place that cannot be shaken, cannot be destroyed, cannot be bribed. It stands forever into eternity……….

Until the next time, I am,
Essentially Esther