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Monday, April 30, 2007


Everyone who knew Rocky loved him in a different way. We never knew “why” we loved him, he just drew us in to the biggest heart in the Universe. I first loved Rocky as my high school “sweetheart.” At that tender age I will have to say the attraction was to the external part of him. He was beautifully built, powerful neck, shoulders and arms, (a little butt, girls) packed into jeans. His attire at school was always the same…….tee shirt with a flannel shirt over and tucked in (his winter wear)……then in the summer, a tee shirt that was always stretched over all those muscles. He was one handsome guy.

Though we each married someone else, had children and lost touch, there was always a place in our hearts, reserved for one another. It was 40 years later that he would come back into my life at a High School Reunion. Until that time we had been invisible to one other…….the Class had no address for him in all those years and not one of us ever knew what happened to Rocky.

God has such perfect timing, I am still amazed that we ever found one another again. Within the span of four years we were both widowed and alone…….. it was God’s gift to bring us together, eventually. We had almost 6 years together, today being our wedding anniversary. Six days short of being 6 years.

There are no words that could describe our joy on this, our wedding day. The years have been all too short for this world, but will go on forever in the next. We didn’t “lose” Rocky, he didn’t “pass” away……..with a few easy breaths, he took the one last step beyond our sight. He was lovingly cared for by one of his daughters, my daughter and me.

Rocky, the man, was a big ‘ole humble guy with an enormous chest to cover the big heart he had. He was always a champion for the poor, down-trodden and the weak. He was a simple man of few words…….but if you hung around a little bit you would learn a lot about character.

We do not have a “hole” in our hearts since he left. Our hearts have become bigger. We haven’t lost anything, we know where he is……..

……….God just changed his address.

Until the next time, I am,
Essentially Esther