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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


We have a morning appointment with Rocky’s Oncologist tomorrow and he will have the CT back with the results. We haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about it because it’s senseless. It could mean anything from A to Z so we’ll just wait until we get there to hear what he has to say. I know he will have a plan in mind because he’s a very serious doctor, well thought out, and considers all the angles. I know we couldn’t have a better man than Dr. Morgan looking after us.

As far as all the girls are concerned, Rocky is their most favorite because he’s always upbeat and jokes with them a lot. It makes their job easier when they don’t have to be the cheer leader for him. They have the satisfaction of making his life better for the time they have him. I have the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting the best care at home and he has the satisfaction of being adored by us all. Sounds like a winning team to me.

When we finish with the Cancer Clinic we will hurry home to be here when Rocky’s brother and wife come from northern Illinois. Becky will join us for supper and we’ll have all day on Friday to visit.

I will post Rocky’s results when we get home tomorrow so our extended families and friends will be able to get the news quickly. We hope you are well and happy wherever you are and enjoying this big wonderful world we live in.

Until then, I am,
Essentially Esther