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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Rocky wasn’t given his chemo treatment today because of the adverse effects it had on him this past week. They don’t want him down so he can’t do his normal things, exercising being one of the important things they like him to do. Instead he was given saline solution for hydration and Benadryl in the I.V. for itching.

He was given prescriptions for an ointment to apply to the rash on his face and three pills to be taken one each morning until gone. He’s had those before, compliments of the drug company. Today they called ahead to see what Medicare D would do for it and only cost $60 for the three pills. That was much better than the price without our insurance……$100 per pill. There are always things to be grateful for even in the worst of times. I am just happy we can obtain the drugs needed to deter the cancer and help him to feel better while it does.

He is scheduled to have his next treatment Tuesday of next week and I’m thinking he will be fit to do so. Right now he is out walking which helps get the blood flowing and exercise his lungs.

I am on my way to the kitchen to prepare a healthy supper for him so I’ll be back tomorrow, good Lord willing.

Until then, I am,
Essentially Esther