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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


This morning we went to see Dr. Lewandowski, Rocky’s local doctor. He’s a great kid who took a liking to Rocky the first time he saw him. Strangely, Rocky took a liking to him too. Rocky, in general, wanted no part of doctors, hospitals or pill pushers. He was able to enjoy that opinion until, alas, he married me. Soon he had lots of reasons to see all of the above and I was the driving force to get him there.

Rocky has always been a guy who took care of everybody else. He gave money away to anyone who needed it or had a hard luck story…..he was an easy touch for most anyone else and never seemed to care about his own needs. Rocky did without a lot but on the other hand, he was easy maintenance and happy within himself.

He loved trucking because it was a way for him to get around the country and see a lot of the U.S.A. He was a library of roads well traveled, scenery, history and anything connected to trucking. He just kept going when he was sick or hurt because that was all he knew.

I don’t believe in chance meetings. Dr. Lewandowski was the right doctor at the right time for Rocky. He was the one to tell him he had a brain tumor, took care of all the little stuff and had to tell him about the colon cancer. We learned it was terminal and length of life was a question that would play out in time. The amazing part of that day was the power of love in that room.

Dr. Lewandowski said he would like to introduce Rocky to his best friend if he had never met him. Rocky asked “who?” and he said, “The Lord Jesus Christ.” We spent about 45 minutes engrossed in conversation of faith, hope and the reality of a Heaven. Knowing we were Christians lit his face up and he couldn’t stop smiling.

Today was much the same. We talked about the purpose we were created for and the peace and strength God gives above all other. I am no physician or mind reader and certainly do not know God’s reasons for doing things the way He does……but I do know there is a reason for everything and when our circuits are overloaded He steps in and re-routes to our advantage.

How else do we look at death as a door instead of a defeat, feel joy when we should feel pain, see the impossible when it isn’t possible, or give ourselves for others when we have needs ourselves? It is because there is a God and there is a little tiny seed, called Faith.

Faith does not diminish our circumstances……it carries us to the arms of God.

Until tomorrow, I am,
Essentially Esther