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Thursday, February 08, 2007


Rocky is sleeping late after his Chemo yesterday and I’m making ready for family expected late afternoon. The critters are all excited because they have keyed in on my change of their daily routine. They’re choking from the dust I’m stirring…..haha, yah, right!! Like I move that fast anymore…..but it sounds good, don’t you think?

Needless to say I won’t be writing for a couple of days but I wanted to share a college course with you. You get “credits” every time you put these suggestions into action so don’t just read and flip by. The “learning curve” is easy so here goes……from “THE BOX”…..


The SIX most important words: “I ADMIT I MADE A MISTAKE”

The FIVE most important words: “YOU DID A GOOD JOB”

The FOUR most important words: “WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?”

The THREE most important words: “IF YOU PLEASE”

The TWO most important words: “THANK YOU:

The ONE most important word: “WE:”

The LEAST important word: “I”

“One life is all you’ll ever have, slow down before you lose it. It seems a crime to make good time…..and then not live to use it.”

(Thanks Mom.)

Until the next time, I am,
Essentially Esther