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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I was very interested in the comments from “Wash Day” yesterday. You have to be a little older to know about hanging clothes and the ritual it involved. I had forgotten the old “sprinkler bottle” until Phyllis mentioned it. Oh yes!! Mom had a pop bottle with the sprinkler nozzle on top and once the folded laundry was out of the way it was time to sprinkle the pile of clothes to iron. And Sally, you talked about the diapers freezing as you hung them……we really liked it to be that cold because the older ladies told us it made the diapers whiter!! Did you ever hear that?

OMG!! Ironing!! I can’t believe the ironing I used to do…..and it took a while to learn how to do men’s shirts after I married. My mother-in-law smiled when she watched me labor on a white shirt of her son’s. She wasn’t mean spirited and I knew her remark didn’t mean to be unkind……but when she saw my finished product, she said, “George would throw that back to be done over at home. He is very particular about his shirts.”

Of course in those days, he was fresh out of the Army and used to the creases that would cut your fingers…….I just laughed and said, “Well, I’m not very good, but I guess he figures it wouldn’t do much good to throw it back here.” Getting the starch right to starch them, dry them and iron them was a chore for an 18-year old, even if I did think I was quite mature.

How many of you gals out there let them mildew in the plastic bag before they were ironed? Then I learned the trick of putting them in the refrigerator……that was before I graduated to the freezer. It seemed I always had ironing to do in some form or other. But as years went by I became more efficient and because of the eternal dread of knowing I had ironing to do I would try and iron it up as quick as I could. I had a plan……always do the worst first and then the rest was a breeze.

Oh those were the good old days we like to think about. It seemed I got as much done back then without all of the benefits we have now so I must have been a lot faster and more efficient than I am now. Somehow the modern conveniences haven’t provided the extra time we thought they would. My ironing board stays in the closet now unless there is a special reason to do a little pressing. I’m very good at dragging the things from the dryer to hang and we do very well with “wash and wear.”

Today we went for Rocky’s lab work, the doctor visit and Chemo. Dr. Morgan said Rocky’s liver function was better this time than last and we wouldn’t have a CEA until we finish the three week schedule he wants to try. Rocky gets Chemo two weeks in a row, then skips a week, then we find out how it’s working. If it isn’t too severe with side effects we will continue this for a while.

When they tried this the last time he had the intestinal flu the very next day so it was impossible to know if the Chemo was part of his problems or it was flu connected. We will know by tomorrow if the side effects are going to click in. We’re armed and ready with plan B and C.

I’ll keep you posted on Rocky’s progress and if you have any comments or additions to washing and ironing days I would enjoy hearing about them. It’s so fun to remember those things and compare notes with the rest of you.

I have a funny story about my first laundry after I was married way back when. I’ll have to tell you about that tomorrow……………

Until then,
Essentially Esther