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Thursday, November 09, 2006


Today we broke the record on this date and this month. The thermometer went up to 83* which has been the warmest recorded since something like 1833 or so. My poor little flowers that were nipped back from frost in October are blooming away and looking pretty frisky. My mother’s rose bush has one perfect little bloom on it. The ones of you who have read me for a long time know that she always brought me her last rose of the summer. When I saw the bud on her bush (now in my yard) it was as if she reached across the boundaries that separate us to give it to me. It is a special moment to see that last bloom.

My oldest son, George, called from Shawnee, Kansas to visit a while ago. He told me to enjoy tomorrow because cold air from Canada is on it’s way again and their temperatures have already started falling. I always think of Ellen up there in Winnipeg when those Canadian Clippers come charging down out of the northland.

Rocky and I went back to the Clinic today for the nurse to remove his fanny pack which had emptied of the chemo this morning. He is always happy to be untied from all the plastic lines and the pack he sleeps with. Knowing how men hate neck ties and being all girded up I wonder how they’d act if they had to wear panty hose. Probably be a hard thing to get used to…….but oh so much better than the old girdles and supporters us gals had to battle in the “old days.”

When I think of all the under-garments and the clothing that covered all of our bodies it makes me wonder what young women today would do with all that? It seems clothing is getting scantier and scantier with each passing month…….I know I’m getting on in years because seeing all that bare skin and the anorexic bodies on young women of today make me head for the cheesecake in the frig. Yes, I’ve become a “golden girl” of sorts.

Eating has come a long way since I was a girl. Back then we didn’t know what a calorie was or worry about cholesterol. What we did worry about was getting enough to eat. No one had to beg their kids to eat and everyone ate the same menu at the table. Table? That archaic thing that sits in the kitchen in most homes of today…….I just don’t believe in treating our bodies like a test tube where we don’t get too much of this or that..……the many books of diet and the corporations who cater to the food gods are endless.

Lets just eat and enjoy the food, work hard enough to use up the calories and thank the good Lord for giving us health enough to process good eating. Actually, His plan was very simple for life on every level……feed the body, feed the mind and feed the soul…….a daily diet of those three things keeps a smile on your face…..and as Martha Stewart says, “That’s a good thing”………..

Until tomorrow,
Essentially Esther