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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Today is better for Rocky. He is coming out of his cocoon of misery from the last chemo. I can tell by his eyes that the strength is returning and he initiates more conversation……that’s my big clue right there. When I have to drag answers out of him I know he’s in a deep hole. Thankfully he will be even better tomorrow.

Reason being, he will have his lab work early and then a CT. My problem is that I always want to know something the minute they are finished with Rocky but medical reports go through more channels than a TV satellite. Hopefully we will know something before the week-end. We received our second order of Integrated Medicines this morning so I have those separated and ready for the next doses.

I was in hopes little Tuffy would be coming home today but he was still having some problems and they wanted to keep him a day or two to make sure they’ve explored all possibilities. He is finished with his X-rays so I’m thinking they didn’t show anything conclusive unless doc hasn’t had a chance to look them over yet. Pet business is flourishing to the extreme that we even have to wait on results for our pets now. Color me impatient.

Becky is counting the days until she can get her abscessed tooth fixed next Monday. It is also the day she and I will have our yearly physicals. It’s a hectic day getting both of us through lab, mammograms and seeing Dr. Powell. I think I’ll make a list of things for him to consider so I don’t forget to mention them in his office. Becky always complains that I make it more of a “social” visit than a doctor’s visit…..I promised I wouldn’t give him my usual answer when he asks how I’m doing. Normally I say, “Just fine, thank you.”

The thing that prompts my remark each time is because I have been sitting in the waiting room for a half hour watching the lame, the maimed and the halted appear at the desk for their appointments. After viewing their much worse health issues than mine I feel guilty for even seeing the doctor. I figure he’ll give me one look and wonder why I’m even there.

How can I complain about my knuckles getting bigger when the person he just saw is terminally ill, in a wheel chair and an amputee? I have been told my knuckle thing is the beginning of osteoporosis. My maternal grandmother had a hump on her back and my mother was affected also. Not as bad but she had osteo as well. Now I understand why some of the elderly ladies in church cringe when someone shakes their hand. My hands have become increasingly painful and sensitive to the point it’s a problem.

Dropping things, being unable to twist lids or use my fingers for screw drivers any more is out of the question. I have adjusted and it is a small problem but it is ‘my’ problem. I take Fosamax and will ask about the once a month pill I’ve seen advertised. I have no life threatening illness, just little nuisances that appear all through the day. I can live with them. Sometimes my body seems very foreign to me. I keep hearing my mother say, “Just wait….you’ll know how it is one of these days….” Boy!! Was she ever right. I see more clearly every day.

Thankfully I have a lot of diversions so I don’t have time to think anything most of the time. At the moment I’m fighting for Rocky and Tuffy and will relax when they are out of danger. I will post tomorrow when we get home from the hospital and as soon as we know anything about Tuffy.

Oh! And don’t waste any sympathy on my ‘hand’ situation. As long as I can knit and crochet I’m a happy camper……the other stuff is just……stuff.

Until tomorrow,
Essentially Esther