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Monday, July 10, 2006


We woke early morning to the sound of thunder and lightening……and then rain. It may not be music to your ears but after being so dry for so long it was a symphony to me. I wouldn’t have needed to water everything on our half-acre before coming in last evening but if it brought rain, then I’m glad.

I guess it pays to talk about needs. I wrote Ellen last night and mentioned how dry we had been, how mixed up our seasons have been for several years and how we never seemed to have systematic rains, thunder and lightening like we used to. You can imagine the first thing that came to mind when I heard the approaching signal for rain. Thank you Mother Nature……I’ll quit whining now.

To catch you up on some subjects you may be wondering about……Napoleon is still here and doing great. He has broadened his territory and instead of traveling back and forth from Becky’s house to her neighbor on the other side and then to us, he is now visiting on the other side of Rocky and me……as well as across the street to the ‘new’ neighbor’s. He still likes to tease our cats and follow me around the yard and eat the bread and stuff I save for him. He loves to be talked to and I never tell what we talk about.

Our friends a few blocks away have never found their dog. I called this morning to make sure so I could mention it if they did but they’ve never seen or heard anything of her. Like Amber, she just disappeared without a trace. Very strange.

Rocky (last but not least) has felt the effects of the chemo more this time than any before. No doubt that is why Dr. Morgan said six would be about all he would do at this time. We are looking forward to Thursday when he is to have the CT scan and then we can find out how he’s looking inside for a change. The numbers have caused Dr. Morgan to be very encouraged about Rocky’s progress…… “pretty amazing” is what he said.

After lunch we have an appointment with our Vet to have Mandy’s ears checked again after her medications and Tuffy, our cat, who has been losing weight for the past year. I just want to make sure his thin little body is OK and not a reason to panic. I’m not very good at losing pets.

Last, I would like to wish Becky’s best friend a Happy Birthday. They have been friends since those teen-age years…..you know…..when mom and dad are stupid but your girlfriend is a genius? I’m so glad they found each other then because they have had a lot of sharing over the years that helped them both cope with a little thing called….life!!! We all need a special person we can cling to when it gets a little rough. So Happy Birthday DiDi…….you are loved.

Until tomorrow,
Essentially Esther