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Friday, May 19, 2006


Rocky went down yesterday and picked up his Alternative Medicine order. When he came back, we broke the box open and stared at the contents. There is every mineral, vitamin, natural plant or “whatever” that can be swallowed in pill form. There was even one jar of powder to take one spoonful with each meal. Rocky was thinking maybe beet juice wasn’t so bad after all…..Ha!

Some are to be taken with each meal, six in-between meals and five can be taken anytime……just so you take one a day. OK…the math adds up to twenty-eight all-together. He had seventeen pills before eating his lunch. My friend, Opal, was here for lunch today and we were amazed as he put them in his mouth all at once, then swigged down some water. I don’t know of any woman who can do that.

I gag down my vitamins 2 or 3 at a time and almost barf them back up. I have decided swallowing pills is hard to do. Don’t ask me why…..my “swallow-er” goes into lock position and I have to almost cram them down my throat with my fist. I guess it’s an “old age” thing……most of my “old” lady friends say they have the same problem. Life gets interesting anytime after seventy……..

With his three clinical meals a day, his juicing mid-morning and mid-afternoon, all of his pills…….six cats, two dogs and a yard to keep up……laundry, blogging, emails, housecleaning, shopping……….well……let me just say we aren’t ‘out and about’ causing trouble. Good thing most of us have medical problems when we retire because, believe me, it would be difficult to manage if you and hubby are both still working.

I have never doubted the outcome. I know going into full scale offense is a lot better than a poor defense. With everything we’re attempting to do, I see the end result with quality and length of life. Even if that means just one more day and one more pleasure of living it will be worth it all. Ask anyone who is terminally ill and they will tell you life is a precious gift and living it to the hilt with gratitude is the best medicine…………

“An optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a row-boat and takes Tarter Sauce with him” ……………Zig Ziglar…………. (Now where’s my boat!!)

Until next time,
Essentially Esther