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Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well the Ozarks are about as pretty as we get at this time of year. In fact, we have remained warmer this Fall than I can remember. Today it is predicted we will reach 75-80 degrees which will break a record for our area. The leaves are not quite in full color yet but are getting close and if the wind doesn’t blow them off the trees today, this weekend should be the crowning glory of the season. We are to receive gusts up to 40 miles an hour which will curtail any burning today.

October is usually our best month and it was up to it’s reputation…..here it is November 3rd and we are still basking in Indian Summer. It has been a most unusual year for everyone. I correspond with relatives and friends all over the country who tell me they are having the same “unusual weather.” It seems Winter goes to Summer and Summer goes to Winter again, bypassing Spring and Fall each time. This year we had no Spring but lucked out with a glorious Fall. I guess we can’t complain, knowing the devastation the hurricanes and fires, mudslides and the like have caused others.

October and November are months I take note of. My father’s and brother’s birthdays were in October and both died in November. My mother died in October and was buried the last day. The children’s grandmother Strain’s birthday was the first of November…….so with all of the pleasant holidays sprinkled here and there and the poignant memories, I never feel sad, just fulfilled, somehow. My departed family feels very close during this time as Nature yawns and takes her rest.

With the harvests safely in and Winter sure to come we take advantage of every good day and look forward to the holidays and family times. This year, we have little Brady Scott who will join us in our gatherings. It is with the knowledge that the elder family is no longer with us but another generation is already budding on the family tree….. that we know our legacy lives on. Life, like Nature, is always in a state of change and that’s a “good thing.”

Edna St. Vincent Millay says it best for me in her poem, “God’s World.”

“Lord, I do fear Thou’st made the world too beautiful this year. My soul is all but out of me…….”

Tomorrow we go back to Esther’s story. Until then,
Essentially Esther