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Sunday, September 19, 2004


Today is traditionally a day of rest for the weary. I like to reserve Sunday for inspirational thoughts that are separate from the continuing saga of our family story. Since I have written up to 1979, it is a good place to stop and think for a moment about something all of us bloggers use. Words.

Speaking is often done without thinking…many times words are just a running thought process of what goes on in our brain when it’s in limbo. The adage that “sticks and stones may break my bones….but words will never hurt me” is false. Words hurt when they are directed to us …..or worse…used unwittingly by us. Many a good friendship or family member has been ruined by hasty and unkind words. When we think of them as “tools” to guide us into a happy life, they become less….with more….meaning.

The tongue is the loose end of our soul. It unravels our most inward thought and once borne, words can never be retracted. It is wise to make them sweet and kind because they are eternal.

I’ll share something I wrote in November 1978. It seems a good way to close out that year in my journal.


Words are like manna falling from my mind. They rest upon my heart and God sends His children to gather enough for a day.

Words are lovely instruments given by God. The music we play with them is our testimony ….and our gift back to Him.

Words are like jewels, polished and well-chosen. Their rare beauty and color is lost unless the Light shines upon them in truth.

Words are the judges of my final hour. Oh God, that I might use them in love…and wisdom…for your glory ….and my redemption.

Words are all His and not mine to keep. I must pass them on….their goodness to convey…so come freely and eat…..while you may.

May you find rest for this day,
Essentially Esther